It’s been quite a day already, and it’s only 2pm.
We woke up at 6:15, except for Sophie, who got up for the day at 4:30am. Expecting her to crash at any second. We had breakfast in our room, Stephen practiced for a while, and then we headed out to the beach in St. Gilda.
We bought our tickets, caught the tram, enjoyed the 15 minute ride out there, got a snack, walked onto the beach, started raining. The kids were too excited about finally being at the beach to care, and they launched themselves into the sand and then into the (freezing cold) water. We let them run around like maniacs for a while, because they really needed it, and then collected shells for a bit, before everyone admitted that yes, it was pretty cold and miserable, and yes, we’d all be much happier somewhere warm and dry.
Back to Acland Street, which had a fish and chip shop, and approximately a thousand cake stores, all in a row. Store after store after store of gorgeous treats, and we were too full for any of them.
While waiting for our fish and chips:
It looks like Sophie is trying to choke the life out of Felix here, but really she was hugging him. Or so she says.
We love Domi.
I also love my boss, and took this photo to show her that adorable owl stuff exists in Australia too.
After a bit of looking around, we decided to head back to the hotel for dry clothes. Hit Starbucks on the way (because Heaven forbid we go a day without it). And now we’re just lazing around the hotel, trying to warm up.
I love this nerd.
And this one too.
Coming back later to say that we lazed around for many hours, then went for a walk, and ended up eating at a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown. We got a sesame bun, chicken in black bean sauce, fried rice, and fried dumplings with pork and veggies. No photos of the exciting event, so you’re going to just have to take my word for it.
The kids put themselves to bed at 9pm, and the rest of us went to sleep at 10.
Oookay. I had many more photos to post, both of Wednesday and today, Thursday, but I've been at this for well over an hour and only managed to get these eight photos uploaded so far, so I'm going to call it done, at least for a little while.
The internet is pretty buggy, our toilet is overflowing, the hotel phone stopped working, and the kids have put themselves to bed at 7pm, and I'm about to have to wake them up. Despite all of this, we're having the best time ever.
cake hole -- snark
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