Today was about as relaxing as a day can possibly be.
The kids woke up really early again. I got up, had breakfast, and then opted out of a trip to the farmer's market so that I could take a shower and unpack. What actually ended up happening is that I crawled back into the king-sized waterbed, and slept soundly for a couple of hours.
I woke up just in time to have some lunch on the back patio, and we puttered around at home for a while. Went to the fruit stand and nursery with Judy and Ken, and then treated ourselves to some Devonshire tea. Devonshire tea is quickly becoming one of the things that makes me happiest in life. Had planned on taking some photos of it, but plowed through it all before we got the chance.
Home from the nursery with the Christmas tree for the kids to decorate. They thought that it was pretty funny to be decorating a tree outside.
This is the smug look of a boy who's all, "yeah, our tree looks awesome. I'm sorry that your's isn't as cool".
And this is our dear Uncle Ken. He's sort of a Grinch, and about as festive as an old shoe, but we shamed him into hanging a few ornaments.
Once again, Sophie puts the choke hold on her little brother.
Ever wondered what a tree looks like when it's decorated within an inch of its life?
Poppa hung up some Christmas lights (Stephen will be very relieved to have missed the opportunity to be up on a ladder), and uh, that's about it, I think.
Dinner out on the patio again, the kids begged to go to bed at 8pm on the dot, I followed by 9:30.
Sophie is showing signs of being allergic to the dogs (red, swollen eyes), but we're giving her eye drops, and hopefully she'll be okay.
It's Monday morning now, and Stephen flies in at 1pm. Can't wait.
There's more tinsel than tree! I love it!