It’s unfortunately time to check out of our swank hotel room in the sky, and say goodbye to Melbourne, Daddy, and the rest of the band, but the good news is that the grandparents and aunts, uncles, and cousins are all waiting for us on the other end. While I could happily spend another week (or month) exploring Melbourne, I’m ready to get the kids to Perth.
Saying goodbye to Milo.
We got to the airport really early, because Stephen’s flight left an hour before ours. He checked in, and we got into our check in line, which ended up taking us an hour and a half to get through. Good thing that we were there really early. Stephen had to leave just a minute or so into the wait, and poor Sophie fell apart. She’s not really good with being separated from her daddy, even if it’s just for a couple of days.
Went to board our flight to find two of my least favorite things - heavy clouds indicating a rough take off, and one of those silly little toy propeller planes. Oh dear God.
The only thing that I like in this photograph is Sophie.
But we lived to tell! The flight was four hours, 10 minutes, and Felix slept for at least 3.5 hours of it. Sophie slept for about 20 minutes, and I think that I slept for an hour. That hour went a long way to getting me through the day, as Perth is three hours earlier than Melbourne, and another time change was brutal.
Arrived at the airport to find Uncle Ken, Auntie Judy, Grammy, and Poppa all waiting for us, which was very exciting. And then all three of our suitcases were among the first off the conveyer belt, which was awesome.
Whisked up to Kalamunda, where Judy and Ken live, for a relaxing evening.
We had dinner on their gorgeous patio. I felt compelled to take photos, so that those of you stuck in cold and snow can enjoy. You’re welcome.
Felix loves the yard.
The kids were in bed by 8:10pm, and I fell soon after.
It’s now Sunday, and the kids were up at the crack of dawn, which is to be expected with the time change. Not sure what’s on the agenda for today, but we’re ready for it. Or at least we will be once I’ve had a shower.
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