I feel a little redundant saying, "today was awesome", so from here on out, let's just assume that each day was, okay?
On Tuesday we were invited over to our friend, Steve's, parents' house for a pizza and pool party. We've never met Steve's parents before, so we were all sort of nervous and trying to be on our best behavior, but there was no need, because they were super kind and friendly. We had a great time exchanging Christmas gifts, making pizzas in their outdoor wood fire stove, and swimming in their gorgeous pool. I wish that I had taken more photos of their backyard, because it was amazing.
Felix got a present!
And then Stephen gave Steve the guitar that he used for the three Descendents shows. That was pretty fun.
Felix helpfully pointed out the robot that he drew for Steve.
Felix gives the pizza one solid rock fist up.
Sophie and Felix harass Steve's dad in the pool. Or it may have gone the other way 'round. They loved each other.
Saying goodbye. We can't wait to see them again.
Stephen and I ran home for fast showers, then back into Perth to meet up with Steve and his girlfriend, Kerri, and their friends who are in a band called Grim Fandango. Stephen had to have a few minutes to rock.
This pretty guy was hanging out (dead) in their practice room.
And the whole crew.
Then we went to Northbridge to have Chinese food with Steve's best friend, Jimmy, but I didn't take any photos because I was too busy stuffing mah face.
And now we're off to the trots!