We decided to have a pretty mellow day in anticipation for the trots that evening, so Stephen and I did a tiny bit of shopping and had Devonshire tea while the grandparents took the kids...off somewhere. It was a nice, relaxing day, and then we headed back to Kalamunda to get ready for our exciting evening.
When Stephen and I were here in 1998, my aunt and uncle took us to the trots, and it was one of our favorite nights of the trip, so it was on the must-do list for this trip.
Felix isn't in this photo, because he was running around with a little boy who swears his last name is Batman, who wanted to breakdance for me but claims that he broke his leg doing so last week, who enjoys doing backflips while riding his bike with training wheels, and who carries a real gun but doesn't need a license. That kid was AWESOME.
Stephen ordered a coffee, and it came with a koala in it. Holy crap, that's adorable.
The track.
And one of the (many) races that our horse didn't win.
Not too many photos from the night, but it was a great one. Uncle Ken won the big bucks (I think around $11).
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