We started out the day with one last trip to Dawson's, which may actually be the greatest nursery of all time. It's freaking awesome - it has a cafe that serves Devonshire tea (the point of our visit), a maze for the kids, a lookout area for the kids, and a million other charming details. Unfortunately it was really hot. So hot that Felix's normally straight and well-behaved hair sort of went wonky.
And so hot that it looks like we were actually abusing Sophie in some way.
Once morning tea was finished, we let the beasties go and explore for a while.
I loved the quirky details.
I also love hydrangeas.
Once home, it was time to get ready for the family reunion that Judy and Ken had planned, because they weren't busy enough with having a houseful of people, retiring from work, and going to medical appointments.
If you mix Scottish folks with Australians, there will be drinking.
Oh, look! World's most over-decorated tree is still hanging in there. (My apologies, J&K, that we didn't have the kids undecorate it before we left.)
My eyes are going downhill fast. During one of our many dinners on the patio, I looked over and was sure that this was a real spider. I actually had to get up and walk right up to it before I realized that I'm just an idiot.
Sophie and Felix were the first to get their hands on sweet Jemma.
But Mean Tim wasn't far behind. For some bizarre reason, Jemma really likes him. Oh well, she's still young.
Jemma with her parents. (I swear that at some point this will stop being the Jemma Blog, but gimme a minute.)
And Jemma with my Auntie Diane, her grandma.
My great Auntie Pauline with my Uncle Ken. The book that she's holding is pretty fabulous - it contains many photos taken by my great-grandfather, Andrew Robertson.
Auntie Pauline and Dana.
I was too busy eating (and possibly drinking) to take photos of dinner, but here is the dessert that Judy ordered from her favorite French restaurant. It was amazing.
The pear version.
And the blueberry one.
And finally, the raspberry and peach one.
The entire Robertson crew.
Which is headed up by this guy, my great Uncle Charlie. Uncle Charlie is quite a character. He greeted me with a big hug and kiss, and then said, "well, you've no gotten any taller since the last time I saw ye, but you've certainly gotten wider". Oh Charlie. You're such a charmer. But really, anyone who is 85 years old and still has naturally dark hair and can rock the socks the way he does can sort of get away with anything.
Stephen gets schmoopy over Jemma.
The youngest and oldest Robertsons, plus Stephen and Mio.
The last photo of the night. You know that it's been a good party when two Barbies end up naked on the table, one of them strapped to what looks like a potty chair.
that photo of the entire family makes any jet lag totally worth it. i'm SO glad you guys had the opportunity to go on this trip! and i'm so glad you've been blogging and taking pictures and sharing it with us :)