We woke up early, because that's what one does when jetlagged with young children. Bryan and Stephen went off to retrieve the rental van, and Leah and I very quickly threw our luggage back together and dragged the kids down to the lobby.
That's when I realized that they were all looking especially sassy in stripes. Felix is very proud of his matching socks.
Once the guys showed up with the van (which took approximately 2.5-3 hours, but who's counting?), we did the drive down to Warragul to hang out with Jeff and Lou. We haven't seen them for a long time, and it was so good to get to hug them.
Lou rides horses competitively (dressage), and had invited the kids to get to meet them.
This is Romeo. It was his 5th birthday.
And these two beauties were so sweet. I wish that I could remember their names. I believe that Rosie is on the left, but I may be making that up.
They were especially well-loved by Sophie and Robyn.
Then over to Lou's parents' house. It's on seven acres, and is just incredible. Horses, a pool, a vineyard, and is gorgeous. The most exciting part is that Trent lives there, and the kids (plus Leah) all got to ride him.
Bottlebrush! We must be in Australia.
It's really, really hard to be these kids.
Hanging with Lou. She's wonderful.
Then over to Jeff and Lou's for pizza on their deck. This is the view from there.
Warragul is beautiful. This road is a particular favorite.
Pig farm! I had no idea that pigs were so huge and so ugly. Charlotte's Web is a bit of false advertising.
Watching kangaroos in the paddock.
Roo tracks.
Things get fuzzy after this point. Jetlag is ridiculous, and we all crashed hard after such a big day.
(Ooh, almost caught up!)
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