The kids graciously let us sleep in until 6am on the dot. Last year Stephen and I had to go and wake up Sophie and Felix, but kids never sleep in when you want them to.
Opening stockings with Goblyn.
Sweet, goofy kids with their Minecraft Creeper necklaces.
Robyn got an Australian Christmas book from Santa.
Judy got a new bag.
And Leah got a stash of honeycomb.
Up next: opening the iPad Minis. I'm not sure where we go from here as parents. I guess we'll have to buy them all Audis next Christmas.
After thoroughly spoiling our offspring, we headed down to Perth to the rellies' house for Christmas lunch and swimming.
Dean provided the festivities with Skittles vodka.
Wearing our Christmas cracker hats.
Secret Santa! We ended up with a sweet emu mug.
Dayna (who is gorgeous) with Auntie Judy's lemon curd pie (which is also gorgeous).
Dana and Auntie Diane!
Stephen and Jemma. We all sort of fight over getting attention from her.
Mean Tim and his brother, Jeremy, with Jeremy's baby boy, Austin. Austin is probably the most laid back baby ever born.
After dinner, we drove down to the beach for a bit. Unfortunately the Gorder Santa photos are on their camera.
The four of us (NEVER happens, so hopefully my mom will be pleased).
A group of dorks.
Getting Bryan off the beach basically involves threats and bribes. And by the time that you've rounded him up, Stephen has wandered off. It's like herding cats.
Sweet! All caught up. Today (Boxing Day) has been quiet. We've gone swimming at the next door neighbor's house, and tonight the whole Robertson/Feldhusen crew is heading up for dinner. I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone again.
(OMG, those lines through the photos is going to make me nuts.)